- Moisturise your hands with a good quality moisturiser, preferably with SPF. During winter you will need a heavier cream that will help lock in the moisture.

- Go for a manicure at least once a month, it ensures properly exfoliated and clean hands. The full manicure with massage is recommended as its a great way to relieve tension.
- Do not use dish soap to wash your hands, it dries out the skin very quickly.

- Exfoliate your hands at least once a week to remove any dead skin.
- Always wear gloves when washing up, especially when working with harsh cleaning products.
- Clip your nails once a week, avoid biting your nails.
- Do not cut your nails too short as you are at risk of hurting your nail bed.
- Do not rip off hang nails, you can tear skin away from around your fingernail, rather use a cuticle clipper to remove hang nails.
- Apply cuticle oil twice a day as it allows the nail to look refreshed and hydrated. Cuticle oil also helps the nail to grow healthier and stronger.

- Avoid picking out dirt from underneath the nail with pointy tools, it can separate the nail from the nail bed and cause an infection.
- Keep your nails neat and smooth with a nail file.
Following a healthy diet and taking appropriate supplements can also result in healthier skin and nails.
Food that can help strengthen your nails:
- Spinach
- Kale
- Broccoli
Look out for dark leafy greens to add to your diet. It contains calcium, iron and antioxidants that can boost your nail health.
Here is a list of food items that can support your skin health:
- Salmon, it contains Omega-3 which helps to improve the resilience of your skin.
- Pumpkin seeds, they are an excellent source of zinc and vitamin C which can significantly improve the look and texture of your skin.
- Broccoli, iron, vitamin C and other nutrients in broccoli can help your skin to remain soft and supple.